Change management

“Change is the only constant in this life”

In most organizations, large or small-scale change initiatives have become a way of life. However, too often these initiatives stop half-way, do not bring about the desired results, or encounter strong resistance. To make sure change initiatives lead to improved organizational performance, it is crucial to create the right conditions to launch the change and to follow through to its successful implementation.

Inta can help your organization launch and implement change by using her change management expertise and relevant research tools and techniques when required:

  • Before starting any initiative, assess the level of employee attitudes toward change and its perceived need, in order to appropriately introduce the change and reduce resistance to it.
  • Advise the organization’s change agents on the change models, approaches and implementation strategies that are best suited to address the situation
  • Assess employees’ perceptions of the existing organizational change practices and if necessary, help management modify their actions to achieve everyone’s buy-in to the change process.
  • When a change initiative is underway, monitor its progress, identify its strengths and weaknesses, assess employees’ attitudes, and suggest corrective actions if necessary in order to reduce barriers to change and increase the level of employee engagement.

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